
Thank you for hosting the UWA Skills on Wheels Learning Lab. Please take a few moments to provide us some feedback on your experience with our program.

My Name (Optional)
Feel free to stay anonymous!
Select the role that most closely describes you.
Select the Betabox Experience that you observed.
Rate the Betabox Experience overall
Select a score out of 5 based on what you observed.
Rate the Betabox Staff
Provide a rating for Phylecia, the Teaching Guide (who provided most of the instructions to students).
Rate the Betabox Staff
Provide a rating for Gretchen, the Technical Guide (who supported the Guide and assisted with technology).
Describe and positive or negative observations from the Betabox Experience related to either staff member, the content itself, or anything else that you noticed.
How engaged were your students in the experience?
How novel was the experience for your students?
Select an option that best fits how much exposure your students have had with the material demonstrated.
To what degree did the Learning Lab Experience inspire you to bring more hands-on projects into the classroom?